Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Great cheese, happy cows; great babies, happy moms

Ganesh told me a few days ago that longitudinal studies have proven that people who talk about their goals don't really accomplish them. So at great risk to my goal accomplishment, I am announcing my goal as a mom to my abandoned blog. One could argue that it's not such a great risk given that no one, including me, ventures toward this blog anymore. The digital equivalent of "even walls have ears" would be my withering reply. Anyways, long story short: here's my resolution as a mom- to do something just for myself everyday. So from this point forward, for as long as I have enthu, this blog is going to be about what I did to make myself happy each day.

Today, to make myself happy, I am updating my blog over a glass of wine. You may notice that I will be doing several things over several glasses of wine through the upcoming weeks. The wine is not the protagonist of this story, but plays a key supporting role. Later today, I also mean to go for a manicure, if at all possible. Since I go to a cheap, vietnamese joint for my manicure, there will be no wine involved in that process.

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