Friday, January 20, 2006


It's Friday afternoon and I'm watching an episode of 'Mad about you' in which Jamie loses her job and drives Paul up the wall by being in his face all the time. She spends all day watching daytime TV, buys stuff she doesn't need from infomercials, invents chores that she would otherwise have never touched with a barge pole, and calls Paul several several times during the day. Somehow, the image seems vaguely familiar. Except that I work from home and I don't buy stuff I don't need from infomercials... I buy stuff I don't need from the internet. And I don't call Ganya without reason. I mean, I absolutely do have to call and tell him whenever he gets a telemarketing call at home, don't I? How would he know, otherwise? And I do have to call him when I'm eating lunch. And it's out of the sheer goodness of my heart that I call to give him the summary of that day's Gilmore Girls episode. Sometimes they are repeats, but that's hardly my fault! Ofcourse all those calls after 2pm are just to remind him that it's ok to leave the office if he doesn't have that much work that he is picking up my calls :) I'm not really all that bad, but seeing that episode on TV made me re-resolve that I will find a regular job, which requires going to a normal office and watching the clock like normal people do on work days, rather than watching TV (which frankly is not that much more entertaining than the clock during the day). And yes, it also made me thank god it's friday. Finally.


madrishi said...

Well, at least you're doing well on one of your NYRs! :)

Today... said...

Thanchu for noticing! Can I assume that you are still doing well on yours? ;)

madrishi said...

WIP. Much better than last year at least! :)