...And I'm not talking about myself here. However, I'm deeply distrubed and not so young after reading this news article about Lamb and Lynn Gaede, 13 yr old twins from Bakersfield, CA. They are cute as identical buttons, about as musical as the Olsen twins... and spreading messages of white nationalist supremacy and racist hate a la ze nazis!!!
Some quotes from the news article...
"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white … we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."
Since they began singing, the girls have become such a force in the white nationalist movement, that David Duke — the former presidential candidate, one-time Ku-Klux-Klan grand wizard and outspoken white supremacist — uses the twins to draw a crowd.
Gliebe (operator of one of the nation's most notorious hate music labels, Resistance Records) says he hopes that as younger racist listeners mature, so will their tastes for harder, angrier music like that of Shawn Sugg of Max Resist. One of Sugg's songs is a fantasy piece about a possible future racial war that goes: "Let the cities burn, let the streets run red, if you ain't white you'll be dead."
Check out the kids' song lyrics on their home page prussianblue.net. Also, read the full news clip below and feel your black or brown or white blood pressure rise...
And I thought being 13 was about 'best friends', braces and heart breaking idealism.
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