Finally, after a whole week of being back and jetlagged, I am sitting down and taking stock of the two weeks that I spent back home in India. It has been hard for me to put my hands around the trip and actually digest every second and every sensation. Too much happened. In two short weeks. Feels very much like I just swung past the two weeks on a vine going 'aaaAAAaaaaAAAA'. The image is savage, but imagine slow motion and soft sentimental lighting.
Home! Aaah! Home! It was like I never left. I had friends zipping in and out all the time. Me zipping in and out with friends for long parts of the day, or night, as the case may be. And my parents fondly complaining (wouldn't quite feel like home without that:) ). Meeting family and old friends once in 2 years just doesn't feel right. But the amazing thing about family and old friends is that you can meet them once in 2 years, and you can start right where you left off... like you met them just yesterday. And as you sit there having chai, incredible conversations, and a bloody good time, you wish so hard that you could actually have met them just yesterday... and the day before, and the day before that.
Then there was meeting the friends of the boy friend. It's kinda like meeting the 'family'. I was already not a little nervous. And Krix the you-know-who willed that I meet the 'family' for the first time amidst loud music and lotsa alcohol. So all you who were there, kindly blame the copious amounts of alcohol for any and all nervous chatter, awkward pauses and inappropriate conversations! Yennyways, as all of the above imply, I had an absolute blast that night. And although I was initially rooting for a quieter evening, and inspite of the fact that I woke up the next morning in my in-laws' house with a god-awful-hangover, I wouldn't trade the Ghetto's night for all the wine and violin dinners in life :)
And oh! I have to mention the babies. Not in relation to that night, although it may seem that way right now. Read on. I met some of the most adorable babies in the world during this trip. First of all, they were all so unbelievably cute. Add to it the fact that they all belong to people I love. And to top it all, they all don't cry! At least they didn't during the limited time I spent with them. (Although I must confess at this point that I may not quite be able to return a baby, if she were to pop up next to me right now, to the rightful parents... coz I met so many of them little people on my trip this time. )
... And then before I could say Hattangadi, it was over. It was time to say the goodbyes, to get ganyamanya to pack our bags and to head back here.
Aahhh. India! Home! Sigh!
Quitter! Now you like babies??
No No! Not quitting. Merely a momentary lapse of reason becoz of how darned cute the little devils look on the outside.
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