Thursday, August 11, 2005

Gilmore girls and other guilty pleasures

I have no clue how this happened. It happened suddenly, and against my iron will. It all started at Yellow Stone. Amidst much girl-talk on a particular hike at Yellow stone, conversations drifted to the G.Girls. Some one remarked, rather mildly, that they liked the show. Some one else seconded it. And then a month later, on one rather sleepy tuesday afternoon, desperately trying to find something...anything... to keep myself occupied, I stumbled across G.Girls. And now, I'm hooked!

It's one of those things that you don't talk about, things that you don't admit even to yourself... like one's weight, for example, or like the fact that one opens a bottle of wine by oneself on some boring work-day afternoons (perks of working from home :) ). Being addicted to Gilmore Girls is like that. It came as shock even to me that I was enjoying a soap. But hey you learn something about yourself every now and then. It's what keeps the joy in life... and your hair from turning gray.

Anyways, here's the worst part. I learnt very recently that the season that I'm watching right now is the one at the very beginning- much before Rory got admission into Yale... or Lorelai started going out with Luke. I happened to catch one episode from the current season one of these days, and maaan was I shocked to see how my flock had grown.

1 comment:

BH said...

OMG I heart Gilmore Girls!! Such a great show and so addictive. Some of the lines in there are just priceless! Don't worry girlie, you're not alone. :-)
